Sunday, March 19, 2017

Minutes of Idea Generation Meeting at Newman on Immigration Issues, March 5, 2017

MSK Notes re: Immigration Issues
March 5, 2017:  Meeting at Newman
  • Introductions
  • Overview of Feb. 26 Newman meeting; share handouts
  • MSK discuss:
    • Taxes:  Undocumented workers pay almost $10 billion each year in payroll taxes and an addition $12 billion per year in state and local taxes.  This directly funds social security and disability benefits.   Those same undocumented workers are not eligible for benefits under our system.  An estimated 50% of undocumented households use ITINs (Individual Tax Identification Numbers).  ITINs allows payment into the system but undocumented workers are not eligible for benefits unless they obtain legal status.  
    • GDP:  Undocumented immigrants contribute $1billion per year to our Gross Domestic Product
  • Group discussion of group purpose and next steps
    • Reach out to STM re: Spanish Language Mass
    • Attend upcoming Mass at STM as a group

March 15, 2017 Upcoming Meeting at STM with Deacon Luis Royo

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